Vibrating Dryer-Cooler System

SINFONIA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.'s vibrating dryer-cooler system takes an active part in the major industry's process lines, which requires high quality and reliability.


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  • Drying Method Comparison
  • System Configuration
  • Example of Application

Delivery Record

Product Features

1. Uneven drying and cooling are eliminated
Even materials of different grading and specific gravity can be fluidized uniformly by vibration and air currents.
Drying and cooling are always carried out uniformly as the conveying speed is fixed and this results in constant residence time.
2. Flexible temperature and moisture control
Since the layer depth and residence time can be controlled exactly as required by varying the vibrating condition by means of electric control such as an inverter, the temperature and moisture content of materials can readily be adjusted as needed to match ambient temperature and humidity conditions. All this gives greatly improved product quality.
3. Materials are not damaged
As the hot air and cool air act as a cushion, shocks to the materials are reduced, and damage and loss by exhaust of materials as well as dust generation are prevented. Flakes and pellets rare not damaged or powdered.
4. Simultaneous drying and cooling
Since moisture content adjustment by hot air and temperature control by cool air are performed consecutively in one system, an efficient process line can be achieved. This is very suitable for drying and cooling where strict and precise quality control is required.
5. Energy saving and high efficiency
The power required for blowing air is greatly reduced as vibrating movement fluidizes and conveys materials effectively. Thus, this vibratory system gives far greater energy saving than other types. In addition, as heat conductivity rate is high, the unit processing capability is also large.
6. Can be used for materials of different grading and specific gravity
Since vibration does not allow retention of materials on the trough face, all types of materials can be evenly dried and cooled. Even powders and particles with high moisture content or those with high cohesiveness can be smoothly processed with a simple adjustment of the vibration and blower speed.

Delivery Record

photo:Vibrating Dryer-Cooler System
DBM-2000-14Vibrating Dryer for rubber crumbs
photo:Vibrating Dryer-Cooler System
DBM-1500-8Vibrating Dryer for rubber crumbs
photo:Vibrating Dryer-Cooler System
CBM-1050-10Vibrating cooler for casting sand

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